The options market is 1.4X the size of the equity market.
In many cases, options determine where equities go next.
SOI Market Commentary is your head-up display of where equites are going
based on the options market.
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Heavy Emphasis On Option Market Positioning
Understanding how large players are positioned in the options market is critical to determining where the market might head next.
HNI Market Commentary breaks down the options market to show various support/resistance levels along with key levels where volatility can change.
No. SOI Market Commentary is completely focused on commentary only. For trades, please check the SOI or HNI newsletters.
$29 for the first 30 days then $67 per month. Or you can choose quarterly (save 17%) and annual (save 26%) options.
Yes. Refunds are no given and you'll continue to receive the newsletter until your subscription expires.
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